Sunday, January 29, 2012

My name is Elise, and I am a bookaholic...

I am a book person. I am just a bit obsessed with books. I collect them. I rarely leave home without a book on me. I can walk and read, (although, thanks to modern technology, I can now listen to a book and walk, which is admittedly a bit easier). I have a huge list of books to read on Goodreads, and a pretty lengthy list of books on my Amazon wishlist. (Amazon is successfully making me addicted to their services. I think they are trying to take over the world). A friend helped me unpack my books, and I had to go through and reorganize them by genre after she left. I have more books than fit on my shelves. I have become a bargain book shopper. It is not safe to let me loose in a book store. Clearly I have a problem.
But, I am not going to try to kick my habit. Instead, I'm going to revel in it, and thus, this blog. Because, one of the best parts of reading a book is sharing it with someone else. So, welcome to my book blog. I hope you enjoy it!