Saturday, June 15, 2013

Birds birds everywhere

As promised, more on Birdology, by Sy Mongomery. First off, I feel that this book deserves it's full title, which is (are you ready?): BIRDOLOGY: ADVENTURES WITH A PACK OF HENS, A PECK OF PIGEONS, CANTANKEROUS CROWS, FIERCE FALCONS, HIP HOP PARROTS, BABY HUMMINGBIRDS, AND ONE MURDEROUSLY BIG LIVING DINOSAUR. (Yes, I had to copy and paste that. How else was I ever going to get it all in their correctly?) I had no idea what this book was even about, but my brother put it on his Goodreads list, and I'll be honest, I found the title so intriguing, I figured how could it not be good and decided I had to read it. (Which goes to show the power of a good title). 

My brother is a birder, and while I'm not one, I have nothing against birds. I probably would never pick up a book about birds if it didn't have such a beckoning title, although having read this book, that might change. It was a really interesting book. I learned a lot about birds in general, and several types of birds specifically. And I now know that I will never be a hummingbird rehabber. Also, despite how much Sy loves chickens, I am not going to become a chicken lover. Except for dinner. And lunch. (I have no problem eating chicken. In fact, I feel pretty good about it.) I have a huge respect and admiration for cassowaries now. 

Bottom line, this is a really good book. It's informative but narrative. So not a bunch of facts poured out at length, but a very personal account with facts thrown in to give insight into the narrator's feelings. The book did not convert me into an avian adorer, but I have a new/different appreciation for them and the mild random interest I had in them out of experience with my brother has grown to a more educated interest for their own sake. And mine. The title did not betray the book--it is definitely worth reading. 

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